2010年4月5日 星期一

A Life Less Ordinary- Movie

      This is a comedy movie, Celine Naville is the spoiled twenty-something daughter of a wealthy businessman. When one of her suitors, a loathsome dentist named Elliott, proposes marriage to her, she offers to say yes, but only if he agrees to play game with an apple on his head. As she takes aim with a pistol, Elliot's nerves fail and he moves to stop her, spoiling her aim and causing a non-fatal head wound.Robert Lewis is an employed in the basement of Celine's father's company. His dreams for writing a best-selling trash novel are shot down by his coworkers, and he receives a pink slip from his manager, telling him he's being replaced by a robot. While he is drowning his sorrows at a local bar, his girlfriend, Lily tells him she is leaving him for another man.

      This story of kidnapped girl falls in love for cute kidnapper, and following story is how the angels arrange the circumstances that put them in "the love situation”. The humor in this movie is very black and subtle. It let me supplied because I have never saw the story that such funny in love movie, so I recommend this.

